Exploring the Hand Chakras: Their Meaning and Importance in Healing - Chakra Galaxy

Exploring the Hand Chakras: Their Meaning and Importance in Healing

Did you know that your hands have their own chakras? These chakras, located in the palms of your hands, are important for both your physical and spiritual health. 

We will also discuss how they can be used to heal yourself and others. So, if you’re interested in learning more about these powerful energy centers, keep reading!

With the Ultimate Chakras Book Bundle, unlock the secrets of your energy centers and unleash your true potential.

What are the hand chakras? 

Our hands are powerful instruments for channeling energy, often called “life force” or chi. They contain the primary chakras located in each palm as well as others at all major joints that can be used to facilitate healing and balance within body systems. The hand chakras are important energy centers within the body that play a role in our overall physical and emotional well-being.

Imbalances in the hand chakras can manifest as physical issues or emotional challenges. Energy healing techniques, such as chakra meditation and crystal therapy, can be used to restore balance to the hand chakras and promote overall health and well-being. It is important to remember that the hand chakras are interconnected with the main chakras along the spine and the overall health of the chakra system.

Palm Chakras

Both palm chakras are essential for the transfer of vitality in the Toroidal Field, and their ‘openness’ symbolize a full experience of life – with reciprocal giving and receiving energy as well as love. It is because of this hand-to-heart connection that healing energy can be transmitted freely between you and your patient during Reiki therapy – thereby establishing trust on both ends while forming a spiritual bond.

The palm Chakras on the left hand represent acceptance, while those on the right hand represent giving. This is because we tend to ‘receive’ energy through our left palm chakra and ‘give’ it away through our right one. When both Hand Chakras are balanced, a total equilibrium is achieved – allowing you to experience true and unconditional love.

Symptoms of blocked hand chakras

There are several symptoms that may indicate a blockage in one or more of the hand chakras. These include:

  • Physical issues such as digestive problems, respiratory difficulties, circulatory issues, and bone problems
  • Emotional challenges such as difficulty expressing oneself, difficulty forming close relationships, and a lack of trust or surrender
  • A feeling of disconnection from the world or a lack of purpose
  • Difficulty in making decisions or a lack of confidence in oneself
  • A feeling of being stuck or stagnant in life

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be beneficial to work with a healer or therapist to address any blockages in the hand chakras and restore balance to these energy centers.

With the Ultimate Chakras Book Bundle, unlock the secrets of your energy centers and unleash your true potential.

What is Hand Chakras Healing?

Chakras are energy centers within the body that can become blocked if not nurtured. When these energy centers are blocked, our bodies cannot function optimally. To keep them open and flowing, we must practice proper self-care. One way of doing this is through hand chakra healing – a practice that uses the hands as conduits of energy to free up blocked or stagnant areas in the body. By using various techniques such as massage, pressure points, and visualizations, practitioners can use the hands to bring balance back into the body and restore harmony.

Hand chakra healing is a form of energy healing that focuses on the minor chakras located within the hands. It involves the use of various techniques, such as chakra meditation, crystal therapy, and Reiki, to restore balance to the hand chakras and promote overall physical and emotional well-being. 

The chakras of the hands are connected to different systems and emotions within the body, and imbalances in these energy centers can manifest as physical issues or emotional challenges. By working with the hand chakras, practitioners such as the social media influencer Elaina Moran often help improve overall health and well-being. 

There are several techniques that can be used for hand chakra healing. These include:

  • Chakra meditation: This involves focusing on the hand chakras and visualizing them as spinning wheels of energy. By visualizing the chakras as balanced and vibrant, practitioners can help to restore balance to the chakras and promote overall well-being.
  • Crystal therapy: This involves placing crystals on or near the hand chakras to help restore balance to the energy centers. Different crystals are associated with different chakras and can be chosen for their specific healing properties.
  • Reiki: This is a form of energy healing that involves the transfer of energy from the practitioner to the recipient through the hands. Reiki can help to restore balance to the hand chakras and promote overall well-being.
  • Acupressure: This involves applying pressure to specific points on the hands to stimulate the flow of energy and restore balance to the chakras.
  • Acupuncture: This involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the hands to stimulate the flow of energy and restore balance to the chakras.

How to use mudras for healing hand or palm chakras

Mudras are hand gestures that are believed to have the power to activate and balance the chakras. There are various mudras that can be used for healing the hand chakras, and each mudra is associated with a specific chakra. To use mudras for healing the hand chakras, follow these steps:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your palms facing upwards and your fingers relaxed.
  2. Choose a mudra that corresponds to the hand chakra you wish to work with.
  3. Gently bring your fingers and thumb into the position prescribed by the mudra.
  4. Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
  5. Hold the mudra for 5-10 minutes, or longer if desired.
  6. When you are finished, slowly release the mudra and take a few deep breaths.

By incorporating mudras into your daily practice, you can help to activate and balance the hand chakras and promote overall well-being.

Why Do We Need Hand Chakras Healing?

Hand chakras healing is important because it helps us create balance in our lives by addressing issues related to physical health, mental well-being, spiritual growth, and emotional health. With regular practice of hand chakras healing techniques and wearing a chakra bracelet with gemstones corresponding to each chakra point on the body (or just focusing on one), you can begin to feel a sense of alignment in all areas of your life—physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally—and start living from a place of greater peace and harmony.

How Do Chakra Bracelets Help?

Chakra bracelets are designed with specific gemstones that correspond with each major energy center in the body (called “chakras”). These stones resonate with specific frequencies that help promote balance within that particular area when worn on or near the body. For example, wearing an amethyst bracelet will help activate the third eye (or sixth) chakra point which is associated with intuition and wisdom. Wearing a rose quartz bracelet will help open up the fourth (heart) chakra point which is associated with love and compassion. In this way, wearing a set of these bracelets on both wrists can help align all seven major energy points for greater overall harmony in your life!

Learn about the benefits of Chakra bracelets and how to use them.

With the Ultimate Chakras Book Bundle, unlock the secrets of your energy centers and unleash your true potential.


Hand chakras healing can be an incredibly powerful practice for unlocking your true potential. By using various techniques such as massage therapy or visualization exercises in combination with wearing special gemstone bracelets corresponding to each major energy center in your body (chakras), you can begin to feel an increased sense of balance throughout all areas of your life—physically, mentally, spiritually & emotionally—and start living from a place of greater peace & harmony today!