In the wild how to organize a trip by car

In the wild: how to organize a trip by car

Traveling by car has a special romance and atmosphere, and allows you to get to know the country better. Driving is always a challenge. And for the impressions of the trip to be only pleasant, you will have to plan everything: make a route, book hotels, pick up a pleasant company, and stock up in a good mood. Let’s go!

Before you hit the road, it is worth deciding for yourself: do you want this? Road trips have both advantages and disadvantages. Let’s deal with them in more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages of traveling by car


  • freedom of movement. If you are planning a trip yourself, no matter on your own or in a rental car, you do not need to adjust to the schedule of planes or trains. You can rent any vehicle you like and be flexible in your movements, you can always stop at a cafe and have a coffee or just take a walk. You can see remote atypical sights where trains or city transport do not go, especially if you have an SUV and an irresistible craving for adventure. As an option, you can rent a Porsche Dubai if you travel to the UAE and want to explore the neighboring emirates. 
  • relatively low cost of the trip. Of course, it largely depends on the destination, the number of passengers, and the consumption of gasoline. If you are traveling with a company of 3-4 people in one rented car, then the cost of rent and gasoline may be much less than the cost of plane or train tickets.
  • pleasant company. You choose your fellow travelers, so you know what to expect from them. You do not have to listen to your neighbor’s grumbling on the plane or “enjoy” the smells of food on the train.
  • the ability to take pets with you. Your car is your rule. It is often impossible to transport animals on public transport, and even if it is possible, the conditions for them leave much to be desired.
  • possibility to take extra luggage with you. Traveling by plane or train, you are unlikely to carry bicycles or many suitcases with you. And your rental car is a great opportunity to take additional large items or equipment.


  • a set of serious requirements for the car in case you choose to travel in your vehicle, not by a rented one. The car should be reliable and comfortable, designed for a long journey and unpredictable terrain.
  • load on the driver. Ideally, when there are at least two drivers in the car, they can change among themselves. It will be difficult for one driver, especially on long trips.

Before leaving

Make a travel itinerary in advance: how many kilometers a day do you plan to drive, how much gasoline will be needed in both directions, where do you plan to stay overnight, and what interesting places do you want to see? If you explore the magnificent UAE in a rented car, you can plan your trip as you wish and combine it with some water activities. Try a yacht rental with and surely this will make your journey unforgettable!

Make a diagnosis of the car and pass the necessary technical inspection. Replace the oil, and filters, and check the chassis and all fluids. The last thing you want to do on vacation is to repair a car. You do not have to be concerned about it in case you choose to rent a cat from a reliable rental service. 

Check the documents: the validity period of the driver’s license and insurance policy. This is mandatory motor liability insurance in case of an accident.

Think in advance about how you will have fun on the way. Download your favorite music or movies, and come up with topics for conversations or games that you can play in a confined space.

Determine the start time. If you want to enjoy the road landscape, leave early in the morning while it’s light. Of the minuses – there may be traffic jams, especially at the exit from major cities. It will be quieter at night, but visibility is worse, plus it can make you sleepy.

During the trip

Choose comfortable clothes and shoes in which you will feel comfortable driving and sitting for a long time. If you are traveling in winter, it is better to replace warm boots and down jackets with something lighter.

Don’t push yourself to the limit: if you are tired, just stop and rest. Ask passengers to change you or park at a roadside parking lot – take a walk, lie down, or take a nap. Contrary to popular belief, drinking energy drinks while driving is not worth it. 

Despite these difficulties, traveling by car has a special romance and atmosphere, and allows you to get to know the country better. And if you prepare in advance, then the trip will be easy and pleasant.